Mosche Bianche| Manufacturer Spotlight

We spoke with Pamela Bianchi, CEO of Mosche Bianche, for an insight on her company’s design and manufacturing work.

Let’s start out by learning a bit more about your company. What makes your brand and products unique?

Mosche Bianche means high quality, design, and Italian passion. All our creations are uniquely crafted and handmade by Italian artists. We also provide tailored solutions on demand.

Do you have a favorite piece in your collection or a new item or collection coming that designers might not know about?

The Heart collection is one of our favorite. I also like one of our newest item inspired by the Renaissance after COVID 19 called: Rinascimento 2020

Who or what inspires you most when conceiving of your designs?

Our artists are mostly inspired by nature and the human body. They are inspired by their life’s experiences and their feelings.

What is your favorite part about the manufacturing industry?

Our favourite part is when the raw material changes form to become a masterpiece.

Please speak to the custom nature of your lines.

We offer tailored solutions on demand. We ask our artist to try out different colors or sizes, and we also ask them to complete custom designs tailored to a single person, event, or home.

Please give us an overview of the more personal side of your business, who’s behind it, how did it come to be, any interesting stories about the origin or the founders you can share?

Mosche Bianche was born during a dinner party in Bologna (Italy). While drinking good wine, we talked about the possibility of offering something unique to the market of home decor. The name means “white flyes”, in Italia. It refers to something rare, special, and exclusive. It also derives from the founders’ surnames: Pamela Bianchi and Marco Mosca.

Founders Pamela Bianchi and Marco Mosca

Why should customers purchase a Mosche Bianche creation?

Because we will bring you into the artist’s ateliers, you could touch, breath, and smell the products made in Italy.

Mosche Bianche wants to deliver not just a product but also the Italian passion, tradition and creativity behind the product. Customers have to buy the creation if they are passionate about the design. We create exclusive products handcrafted by artists for customers with particular style. Our expertise is generational and unique. Our artists come from different Italian regions and thus their inspiration is linked to the lands they have grown and lived in. Each of them has developed different techniques and use different raw materials.

We continue to scout for items in order to update what we have to offer and to give customers always new options and possibilities to furnish their homes.