Gilded Circle Moment | Cassandra Lohr

A Gilded Circle Moment with interior designer, Cassandra Lohr, from Cassandra Lohr Design.

About Cassandra Lohr

Interior Designer, Cassandra Lohr

Cassandra Lohr is an interior designer who has been honored with the Cover and Feature Article in Architectural Digest, and then again included in their special edition, “Twentieth Century Architectural Digest: 100 Years of Design.” Magazine publications also featuring her work are Trump Style, Luxe Magazine, and Colorado Homes & Lifestyles Magazine.

Her work can be found in numerous coffee table books, including “Spectacular Homes of Colorado”.

Lohr’s design was showcased on the National Television “CBS Morning Show” with Harry Smith and Paula Zahn, and as well on HGTV. Cassandra’s own eight part television series was aired on “Tribune Broadcasting Morning News” in Denver.